I'm sure some of you are saying, "Mya? Boring!" However, before you make that assumption check out my interview with the soft-spoken Mya where she talks her gay fanbase, album push backs, 50 Cent (remember that shady comment "I don't know how he would get Lloyd Banks confused with me"?), Sisqo's legendary gay rumors and more. Plus, Mya belts out a few notes of her 1998 first single "It's All
About Me." I really didn't know Mya could sing like that! You can hear
the shock in my voice. I have to say before I interviewed Mya people "warned" me that she
wasn't the nicest person and a bit boushee. So, I was prepared for the
worst and Lawd knows I've interviewed some arrogant celebs, but Mya was
incredibly warm and sincere. We talked a bit afterwards, took pictures
and she made a point to say bye before I left. Nearly everytime someone
tells me a celeb is going to be evil, they never are...except for _ _ _
_ _ _! For Mya's fans at MyaHarrison.net, I asked her if checks out the site and she said, "From time to time. They have pictures that I have never seen before!"As of now, Mya's fourth album, Liberation, is due in stores September 18th. Be on the look out for my future interviews with Mya. SOURCE OF THIS STORY