Diddy took forever to announce the newest addition to the Bad Boy Entertainment Fam...The Making the Band 4 Finale aired live on MTV as Diddy let hopefuls go spontaneously throughout the hour-plus long show. The final group is Robert, Brian, Willie, Qwanell, and Mike No surprise really...I know many fans of Jeremy and D'Angelo are disappointed, however Donnie, who was the online fan-fave, is now a solo artist on Bad Boy which works best for him because he didn't fit in the group. I really am not a huge Donnie fan, but it's whatev, he is pre-packaged MTV marketing heaven. Oh, and we ALL knew he was going to pick 5, Ray Charles saw that coming a mile away! The new season is already planned...Making the Albums...MTB4 cats, Danity Kane, and Donnie will all have there album making trials taped for our viewing pleasure. I really want to see how many girlfriends will make it through the test. Brian is married though, so I suspect they will make it...SOURCE OF THIS STORY