The Dominican Republic has always been a place that I’ve wanted to visit. Back when I was in high school, my best friend was from the Dominica Republic. So I’ve always has a fascination with Dominican people, their food, and their culture. Living in New York you are always crossing paths with the beautiful people from the Dominican Republic. Washington Heights has a large concentration of Dominican’s and you get just a taste of what the culture is like. But has the summer winds down there still is time to take a trip to the Dominican Republic. As I have heard from many Dominican’s I’ve encountered that the weather there in always beautiful and so are the beaches. The DR is a great place to visit to just relax and take in some sun. The have 800 miles of shoreline and amazing white sand. They also have tons of gambling/gaming slots where you can take your chance and see if the beautiful surrounding bring you any luck. So if your looking for your last minute summer vacation then the Dominican Republic is the perfect location.