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Dellums puts prison reformer in charge of public safety;
Latte-lappers lose laptops; Emeryvillers stripped; and albumen attacks
vex neighbors.This month, Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums had to replace his outgoing
public safety director, Victor Ochoa, who is considering a City Council
run. So the old socialist appointed UC Berkeley alum Lenore Anderson, a
public-interest lawyer and activist who won a Soros Justice Fellowship
for giving "advocacy training to parents whose sons and daughters face
incarceration," which, in turn, "is expected to reduce the likelihood
of incarceration ... among Bay Area youth." Ah. Feel safe yet? Anderson seems to prioritize quelling punishment over quelling crime,
as if the former might spawn the latter. She formerly headed the
prison-reform nonprofit Books not Bars, which according to its mission
statement "fights to redirect California's resources away from youth
incarceration and towards youth opportunities. We engage in grassroots
campaigns using media advocacy, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing,
and alliance building. Currently, we are working to close California's
abusive, expensive youth prisons and replace them with rehabilitation
centers and community-based programs" — coming soon to your street. SOURCE OF THIS STORY