Serving the community is very important to my housemates and me. The Ludacris foundation has set up a project for us to teach children how to cook. When we arrive at the recreation center, we are each given a group of kids to work with. Now the problem is Dennis has been assigned a group, and he is nowhere to be found. Now we all went to class earlier and made a special point to be back for the kids. Miss Roberta, Ludacris’ mom, has been very strict on us in making sure that we get things right. We wanted to make her proud, but Dennis is not being a team player! Where could he be? I’m thinking somewhere on campus hanging around with his friends or even kickin’ it with the wrong girlfriend. School is definitely a time for us to get away from each other, but why would he not make it a special point to participate in community service? First Drew, now Dennis. These guys are getting way too irresponsible. I must admit Drew did do his thing with the kids and whipping out those recipes. However, my group won for having the best entree! I don’t even know how to cook! LOL. SOURCE OF THIS STORY