A veteran African American television anchor who has worked in Los Angeles, Denver, Dallas, Kansas City and Charlotte, N.C., was ousted Tuesday from his latest job in Huntsville, Ala., after reportedly calling an African American producer the "N" word. Keith Lowhorne, interim news director, confirmed on Wednesday that, "Michael Scott is no longer with WAAY-TV." He said the action took place Tuesday, but would not elaborate, saying, "It's a personnel issue." However, another newsroom employee confirmed the substance of an account on the NewsBlues subscription-only Web site on Monday."Tipsters at Calkins-owned WAAY-31-ABC in Huntsville (Market #83) say primary news anchor Michael Scott has been suspended after openly berating news producer Jabaree [Prewitt], who abruptly quit," the item said."According to those who witnessed the incident, Scott, during a commercial break in the 10 p.m. newscast, referred to [Prewitt] as a Negro. When [Prewitt] ask him not to use that word, Scott called him a 'nigger.' Both men are black."Prewitt told Journal-isms that contrary to that report, he had not quit over the Thursday incident, that he had already given notice that he was taking a new job in Louisiana. He referred other questions to station management.The incident is but the latest censure of the N-word's use in a professional setting. SOURCE: MAYNARD INSTITUTE