It's gonna be pushing 80 degrees in NYC this weekend and we have the perfect soundtrack to celebrate the end of a very long winter. Our latest Iconocastic Podcast features the exclusive debut of new Tanya Morgan and Sandpeople joints, plus the return of Del The Funky Homosapien. There's also some C.R.E.A.M. from El Michels Affair and the latest Kee & Zee single. Enjoy!
Tanya Morgan - "Morgan Blu" feat. Blu
Keelay & Zaire - "We
Made It" feat. Mario Dones
El Michels Affair - "C.R.E.A.M."
- "Money Is On Their Minds"
Del The Funky Homosapien - "Sometimes
I Gotta Get Stupid"
This is an enhanced podcast, which means that if you play it in iTunes,
each song has album artwork and embedded weblinks to the artist’s
MySpace page. You can skip from chapter to chapter too.
Hip-Hop Podcast #44
Hip-Hop Podcast #43
Hip-Hop Podcast #42