The Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal's world-wide newbox lead with the gunman who opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. yesterday. The 88-year-old white supremacist killed a security guard before he was shot. Police identified the suspect as James W. von Brunn, a man well-known to groups that keep tabs on extremists. "This is a longtime white supremacist and anti-Semite approaching the end of his life who may have decided to go out shooting," said the director of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Brunn is now in critical condition. USA Today leads with federal data that show almost 20 million children now receive free or reduced-price lunches in their schools, a record. California is one of the states that has seen demand skyrocket as enrolment in free lunch programs has increased almost 17 percent. Schools don't get fully reimbursed for each free lunch so they must make up the shortfall at a time when budgets across the country are already stretched thin.The New York Times leads with the White House appointing Kenneth Feinberg, "a well-known Washington lawyer," to determine compensation of senior executives at the seven firms that have received billions of dollars in bailout funds. For other companies, including others that have received federal assistance, the Obama administration didn't impose any specific rules but said it would push lawmakers to pass legislation that would give shareholders more of a say in how much executives get paid and strengthen the independence of board committees that set compensation. The Los Angeles Times leads with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger telling the paper's editorial board that he would rather see California's government come to a "grinding halt" than take out a high-interest loan if lawmakers can't agree on what to cut to get rid of the state's massive budget gap. "What we need to do is just to basically cut off all the funding and just let them have a taste of what it is like when the state comes to a shutdown," he said. To continue reading, click here.