The Official !llmind Remix Album is chock full of new re-workings by some of the biggest names in hip-hop. Put together by producer !llmind, the album is highlighted by a remix of the classic Slum Village track "Look of Love."
!llmind takes the old school, laid back flow of the Slum Village crew
and makes it sound dark and sinuous, "Slum Village was the group that I
listened to when I was introduced to Dilla's music," says !llmind,
"their style is very distinct, and vocally they act as if their rhymes
are 'instruments' complementing the beats. I thought it would be fun to
re-create that feeling with my own twist." Break beats and eerie,
staccato keys make the track crawl along at a sly pace, and soon enough
it has an entirely new feel.
!llmind's group, Fortilive, is featured at the end of the album with four exclusive tracks. Joining !llmind in Fortilive are emcees Mushmouf and Slo-Mo, and both make their presence known on the track "Trunk Pop Music" with
intense, in-your-face verses. With !llmind's super-heavy, organ-filled
beat, the entire track bumps perfectly for your enormous car stereo. In
fact, when the chorus comes around with a funky bass sample you're
pretty sure that your bumper is going to fall off before your trunk
pops. Listen to this track and just try to not nod your head. Look for
more exclusive Fortilive tracks and !llmind remixes on The Official !llmind Remix Album, out on MYX Music Label.