By Mark Edward Nero, ~ If there's one word that sums up Brian McKnight's
recording career, it's 'consistent.' If you've heard any of his albums
or hit singles, then you know what to expect from him: beautifully sung
ballads and mid-tempo tracks that men can relate to and women swoon
over. And his latest release, Evolution of a Man, released in
the U.S. on Oct. 27, 2009, is no exception. The album may represent an
evolution, but that evolution - like Brian's music - is slow and
steady. There's no radical changes in his style here, just a few tweaks
here and there in order to stay modern and relevant in today's music
world.The one song that that most obviously departs from Brian's signature
style is the album's very first song, "The Brian McKnight Show," which
ties in to his morning radio show and syndicated late night TV talk
show. The song's unusually uptempo and sunny for a Brian McKnight
ditty, and is notable for being the only one of the 14 tracks on the
album where he latches onto the Auto-Tune trend that has nearly run
it's course. The song is perfect theme music for a TV show or
commercial, but not as a featured track on an album, and fortunately it
doesn't represent the album as a whole, it just sets the stage for
what's to come. CONTINUE READING...