(10-19) 14:18 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A San Francisco woman tearfully pleaded guilty Monday to a 2006 assault that dislocated the shoulder of a city parking control officer, and left her punishment in the heated case up to a judge.San Francisco prosecutors have sought as much as a two-year prison term for Lina Magailalio, 33, on assault and other charges stemming from the attack Nov. 21, 2006, on parking control officer Angelina Barsi. Her attorney is seeking probation, saying Magailalio has no criminal record. On Monday, Magailalio entered what is known as an open guilty plea - one made without any agreement with prosecutors - that will allow the judge to decide how to sentence her. "My client apologized to Barsi and was crying," Joe O'Sullivan, Magailalio's lawyer, said outside Superior Court. "She said the reason she lost it that day was that her 8-year-old son was having heart problems and was put on cholesterol medication, probably for life." Magailalio admitted to two counts, assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury and battery causing serious injury. Superior Court Judge Jeff Ross set sentencing for Dec. 1. Prosecutors had stressed that assaults on parking officers must be taken seriously and that Magailalio deserved prison time. Magailalio's legal troubles began when she took her 8-year-old son to see a doctor at St. Luke's Hospital. When her meter on Tiffany Avenue expired, she rushed out with her son to feed it and found Barsi writing a ticket. Barsi told Magailalio that she could protest the citation and drove off. Son in tow, Magailalio drove after Barsi and confronted her three blocks away. At a preliminary hearing, Barsi testified that the 280-pound Magailalio had told her, "You're lucky I don't f- you up," then had punched her in the face. Barsi said she had suffered a shoulder injury as she tried to push Magailalio away. She was off work for eight months. O'Sullivan had conceded his client "just lost it."
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Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/10/20/BA161A7O3V.DTL#ixzz0UaJhjG3U