BART officer shoots, kills Oscar Grant: In the first hours of 2009, an unarmed BART passenger named Oscar Grant was fatally shot in the back by Officer Johannes Mehserle at the Fruitvale Station. Mehserle's lawyer has claimed the officer thought he was reaching for a Taser. Grainy images from riders' mobile phones captured the shooting, triggering days of both violent and peaceful protests in Oakland. The incident and fallout was also viewed through a racial lens: Mehserle is white and Grant was black, leading some people to see the case as representative of a pattern of police abuse of young men of color. Mehserle was charged with murder, a rarity for officers, and his criminal trial was moved to Los Angeles, where it is scheduled to begin in six months to a year. "I think I can get justice for Oscar in Los Angeles," said Cephus Johnson, Grant's uncle. On Wednesday, Grant's family and the BART Board of Directors issued a joint statement, saying the anniversary of the shooting was a chance to peacefully remember the 22-year-old victim. BART officials expressed their condolences, and Board President James Fang called the shooting "one of the most gut-wrenching episodes in BART's history."