“Thank you for allowing me the privilege of standing before you today as the 59th Mayor of the great City of Atlanta. This is truly the single most important moment of my life, and the gratitude I feel toward all of you who made it possible, is beyond measure. I will forever remember, and have my efforts informed and inspired by the knowledge, that I would not be where I am today, were it not for . . . the citizens of Atlanta. No man or woman is an island . . . and no one rises to leadership without being lifted to such heights by those around him. Such is the moral of my story. Along the path to this podium, I have seen the faces, heard the hopes, felt the disappointments, and found myself deeply moved by the dreams of the people in our communities. (Continue Reading…)
No longer majority Black, Harlem is in transition
For nearly a century, Harlem has been synonymous with black urban
America. Given its magnetic and growing appeal to younger black
professionals and its historic residential enclaves and cultural
institutions, the neighborhood’s reputation as the capital of black
America seems unlikely to change soon. But the neighborhood is in the
midst of a profound and accelerating shift. In greater Harlem, which
runs river to river, and from East 96th Street and West 106th Street to
West 155th Street, blacks are no longer a majority of the population —
a shift that actually occurred a decade ago, but was largely
overlooked. (Continue Reading…)