Please remember that the deadline to register to vote is quickly approaching this Monday, October 6th. We've got Obama to the race, now we have to vote to get him in the White House for CHANGE! Please take heed to this open letter from Diddy, Jay-Z, and others. Dear Young America, WE ARE IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY !!! YOU MUST REGISTER TO VOTE BY MONDAY OCTOBER 6, 2008!!!!! We are only 31 days from the most important election of our lifetime. MONDAY OCTOBER 6, 2008 IS THE DEADLINE. We are at war, banks are closing, people are losing their jobs and houses every day. It is our responsibility to protect our futures. Time is running out. You must register by Monday October 6th. Barack Obama cannot win this election on his own; he needs our help. This election is about us. This election is about our children’s future. If you have not registered to vote, you are disrespecting everyone that sacrificed their lives for you to have this right. You are also disrespecting your future. The time is NOW for us to use the voices with which God has blessed us. We need you to do all you can. Here is what we need to do:
Register to vote BY MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th 2008 Get as many people as you can to register with you Go to the poll and vote on November 4th. Barack Obama said it best, “Eight is Enough.” No longer will we stand by and follow leadership with no regard for us and no accountability to us. We can be the deciding factor in this election, but you must register to vote to make your voice heard. Who are we? We are young America . This is our moment of truth. Are you registered for change? October 6th is only a few days away. Make sure that on November 4th, we are able to say that we did everything in our power to make sure that Barack Obama becomes the next President of the United States. We owe this to our children, our parents, our grandparents and ourselves. We need you to become a part of Team Obama. This is the most important election in our lifetime. REGISTER TO VOTE BY MONDAY OCTOBER 6th and VOTE TO MAKE HISTORY ON NOVEMBER 4th!!!!
Visit to register to vote TODAY
It is our duty to make our voices heard. STOP what you’re doing right now and lets REGISTER TO VOTE. Time is running out!!!!!!!!!
God Bless,
Sean “Diddy” Combs
Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter
Mary J. Blige
Kevin Liles
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